Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Experiment 1 Progress

For our progress on the first experiment, we are able to compute the following probability:

P(pixel p belongs in label i)

For each pixel p in our test image:

 Given our manual photoshop segmentation with labels i (1-7)

The following images represent the probability that each pixel belongs to the labels 1-7. The last image in each chart segments the image by assigning the pixel to the label with the highest probability (Note this does not incorporate the k-means algorithm yet)

sigma = 0.05
bin count = 15
Small sigma causes high contrast between segments

sigma = 0.2
bin_count = 15
Larger sigma causes less contrast between segments

sigma = 0.2
bin count = 40
Larger bin count causes more noise

In the following examples, we computed the histogram of the window around each pixel, which smoothed out the segmentation

sigma = 0.3
bin count = 15
window size = 3

sigma = 0.3
bin count = 15
window size =11
Larger window size increased smoothing, but also caused regions to spill over more


We are also planning to follow up on what Professor Belongie said in class about conditional random fields. 

We intend to read the following links. 

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