Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Extracting surface normals from depth maps (continued)

Using the method described in sections 3.2 and 3.3 from this surface reconstruction: Surface Reconstruction from Unorganized Points, we were able to write a Matlab script to extract decent 3d normals from the point cloud given by the NYU dataset. Viewing in Meshlab with a light, the scene is shaded properly:

The following images shows results for our attempts to classify different regions of an image according to their 3D surface orientation. We're currently dividing the possible orientations into 64 discrete classes.

(Left to Right)
1) 3D normals flattened on the 2d depth map (dividing x and y component by the z component)
2) Classification of each pixel normal according to 64 possible classes

3) Superpixels
4) Classification of each superpixel according to average normal (has problems)

Once a few issues are fixed, we will have a training data set where each superpixel has a surface position and orientation. Our next step will be to develop a classifier to take a superpixel patch and output a normal and position.

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